Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Author Blog Host: Rhea B. Woodruff

Today on the blog we have Rhea Woodruff. Take a look at her story; it's inspiring!

Here is my interview with Rhea:

What is your book about?

When I was three months old, my mother was well aware that I did not reach the benchmarks of her other children. I did not roll over, make any effort to lie on my stomach or attempt any crawling motions so my mom knew something was not right. Her in laws insisted that I needed a medical evaluation, so we went to Duke University Hospital in New Orleans, where I went though a serious of tests. The results were devastating. They told my mother that I would not walk and would probably never be able to read. As I mentioned earlier, she knew something wasn't right . As a child, I didn't know I was developmentally delayed and would have to try harder than normal people. I need to tell this story about my life and that others like me will identify with it and how it relates to their lives to never give up and be inspired in your dreams that you may come true.


Tell us about your latest book? Are you writing anther book now?

Born Special is about my life growing up with a learning disability and being told I would not talk, read or write. I never gave up showing the doctors they were wrong and I did approve them wrong. I always had to take special classes all my life. I always got picked on and called names. I have been blessed in my life and I thank God every day for Everything he does for me. Yes, I am working on my Third memoir called Miracle Baby. Its a story about the baby I thought I would never have and about her life growing up. She just turned a year august 12,2014. She is a blessing to our family and brings everyone Joy.


When did you first think about writing? What prompted you to submit your first book?

I thought about writing all the time when I was in high school. I always read James Patterson books and some day, I thought I wanted to be like him and followed my dream as a writer and It came true. Its a wonderful feeling.


How long does it take you to write a book?

It takes me about a year to finish a book and get it organized with details to get a publisher to take it. I am looking forward to writing my third memoir now.


Do you have a set schedule for writing or you just go with the flow? Where do your ideas come from? 

I always just go with the flow with writing.  I never know what will I will write since I write about everything in my life that happens. I write memoirs to inspire others in my life experiences as I grow as a writer.


Please tell us about yourself! What are some of your favorite things?

Dessert is Cheesecake

City is West Virginia

Season is Summer

Type of hero is James Patterons

Color is Light blue

Sports is Soccer, Volleyball

Books is action, self help, Memoirs

Movies are Action, Romance, Life

What book for you has been the easiest to write? the hardest? the most fun?

The hardest book was my first memoir Growing up special. I had to remember all the past things when I was young and I could not do it all. It wasn't easy. The most fun and easy was born special and my next memoir miracle baby.


What is the most rewarding thing about being a writer?

I think the most rewarding thing about being a writer is seeing your work everywhere and Inspiring every readers that reads your work. Its a wonderful feeling knowing that you touched so many people with your words.


My website is www.rheabwoodruff.com I would love to hear from you on my quest book and let me know how your visit was and how you like my memoirs or if you have any questions for me.

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