Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Seahorses. Yes, Please!

Seahorses are amazing, beautiful creatures in my opinion. In fact, raising and breeding these fabulous creatures is on my bucket list. Here's a beautiful black stallion seahorse, and an amazing crocheted seahorse (the only kind I can have right now).

If you've ever considered seahorses, as pets or objects of beauty and interest, I highly recommend "Poseidon's Steed", by Helen Scales. Here's her web address as well: http://helenscales.com/poseidons-steed/. I've learned a lot about sea horses from her! Plus the book cover is lovely, and looks great on my shelf ;)


  1. I love seahorses! I've never seen a black one though. Did I ever tell you my grandmother raised them for awhile when I was a kid? Absolutely fascinating to see - so tiny! Love the crocheted one, too!

    1. No I had no idea! That's awesome! My mom is very savvy with all things that swim. She said she will help me when I have the money. These little beauties eat constantly, since they have no stomachs, which is hard on the wallet, LOL!
