Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Married Life

When you move two entire households with someone, the ability to handle problems that arise without biting each other's head off tells alot about how the marriage is going to go.

Recently I got back together with my husband, after a short separation. Not to get too personal, but it's been tough, and now moving our households back together is nothing short of exhausting. Add to the fact we decided to start over about twenty miles outside of the nearest town so I could have livestock (part of our deal) took a lot out of both of us.

I found this awesome pin on Pinterest about date nights. You take manilla envelopes, one for each month, and inside of them you put a few ideas for date night. Each month you open the envelope together at the beginning of the month, choose the date night or day,  and then go on the date. Another great idea is to prepay the dates, with the money already in the envelope, if you can resist spending that money during the lean times.

I think I will try this idea, and get started on the envelopes soon. Some great ideas for dates include prepaid tickets to a play or movie, restaurant menus from places you've never tried before, prepaid bed and breakfast overnight stays...things like that. I'd like to hear some date night ideas from you guys so post some for me to put in the envelopes. Let me know what dates sound fun to you all!

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